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The combination of the neck lift and SmartLipo Triplex™ is a state-of-the-art method of improving the appearance of the neck. The chin, neck, and submental area (the region below the chin) experience sagging skin, excess fat, and loose muscle tissue as we age. This results in a double chin, a turkey-wattle neck, and jowls. A neck lift and SmartLipo Triplex™ can correct these issues.

What Is a Neck Lift?

A neck lift is surgical procedure used to trim away and tighten drooping skin, tighten platysmal muscles, and eliminate stubborn fatty tissue. It is an outpatient procedure and is usually performed under general anesthesia.

At the start, the treatment area is cleaned with an antiseptic, and then incisions are made behind the ears and/or under the chin. Excess skin is eliminated with a scalpel through excision. Loose platysmal muscles are tightened with the help of internal sutures. If you have excess fat, it is removed using liposuction with Smartlipo or regular liposuction during the same procedure. Finally, the incisions are closed with sutures which will be removed between one week and two weeks after your procedure.

What Is SmartLipo and How Is It Used in a Neck Lift?

SmartLipo Triplex™ is a cutting-edge laser liposuction technique that involves the application of laser energy to melt fat cells. This allows for easier removal of the liquefied fat.

In traditional liposuction, stubborn fat cells must be physically dislodged from the surrounding tissues using a cannula. This results in trauma to the surrounding tissues, leading to prolonged bruising and swelling and a less comfortable healing process. These issues are avoided with SmartLipo Triplex™ which leads to less swelling trauma and bruising.

The heat from the laser energy used in this technique also encourages growth of new collagen and elastin proteins, tightening loose skin in the treatment areas.

Are You a Suitable Candidate?

Here are some details that will help you determine whether this option is right for you:

  • You should be in good health and have average body weight proportionate to your height and age.
  • Your fat deposits must be stubborn and cannot be removed through exercise and diet.
  • You are not pregnant or breastfeeding.
  • You are not a smoker.
  • You do not consume alcohol regularly.
  • You have realistic expectations regarding treatment results.

Your Consultation: What to Expect

Your treatment will begin with a consultation with Dr. Raskin, who will determine whether you are a suitable candidate for the procedure. She will review your present health condition, medications, medical history, allergies, and family medical history. She will also perform an examination. If you are a suitable candidate, she will then create a treatment plan.

Liposuction Before & After
Liposuction Before & After

* Individual results may vary.

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The Recovery Process

After the procedure is complete, you will be able to return home. During recovery, you will need to follow Dr. Raskin’s care directions closely. Dr Raskin is available at all time for her patients during the recovery period.

You may be asked to wear a compression garment for one week. This elastic post-surgical garment reduces swelling and bruising while helping the skin conform to the area’s new contours.

You are restricted from doing certain activities while you heal from the procedure, including heavy exercise and sports. You will need to take some time off from work as well.

What is the cost of a Neck Lift?

Though pricing can vary significantly based on the scope and individual needs of the patient, the typical price range is $15,000-$20,000.

Find Out More

To learn more about pairing a neck lift with SmartLipo, schedule an appointment with Dr. Elsa Raskin by contacting our Greenwich, Connecticut office today.

Dr. Elsa Raskin is an award-winning, board-certified female plastic surgeon who specializes in Natural Breast Augmentation, Breast Reduction, Facelift, Tummy Tuck.

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